One Sip at a Time, Blog

Are You A Light Leader?


Do you ever wonder why you are here?  What meaning does your life have? Who are you? Are you truly being that?   I know I wonder that all the time.  When I started journaling at the age of 15, I began to ask these questions.  Mind you, my 15-year-old did journal a lot about boys I had crushes on, or girls who were mean to me.  But I also wanted to know why I was here and where my life was going. 

Never would I have imagined the life I have lived so far. And never would I have understood what I have seen in meditation and visioning. 

I believe youth gives us wide open spaces of possibilities in our imagination.  And the hard life lessons are sometimes hidden or tucked away just like we tuck away our childhood toys and memories. But that early dreaming and yearning is the motivation of the Universe.  It is the guidance that either we are born with or is downloaded at some early stage.  That ability to dream and imagine a better life, a better world. 

So I ask you now, Who are you and why are you here?  This is a cosmic question.  This is a question for your soul to answer - not your head. Who are you and why are you here? The answer doesn’t lie in the doing-ness of your life.  It lies in the visions you had in your youth.  The dreams that were aborted or hidden as being too frivolous or too serious to be followed.  

Now is the time to resurrect those dreams and visions.  See if they have legs and can stand on their own.  Are they still true for you?  Are they still viable? Are they even more vital since you have lived life more?  Can these dreams be activated now?

We have entered into a new world.  One that is tuning us up vibrationally and tuning us into the truth of who we are individually and as a global humanity.  Our youthful possibilities still exist within us, waiting to be activated.  As we learn to activate the light within us and lead from that light, we will rise up to a higher vibration of love, courage, kindness, strength and creativity.   

There are no mistakes.  You are the one of many who have been called to be here NOW… in order to activate the light within all of us and raise humanity to a higher vibration of Love.  If any of this resonates with you, then join me as we dive deeper into our true purpose and become the light leaders we have always been. 

Olga Singer