One Sip at a Time, Blog

My Personal Journey of Healing by Susan Burrell

Perhaps all of life is a journey of healing.  Or of revealing Inner Truth of who we are - Love, Light, Creativity. But let me start at the very beginning ( “A very good place to start”…)


As a little girl, I loved coloring books.  I especially liked the ones where you connected the dots to reveal a magical Unicorn. And the simple magic of connecting the dots, shows us a revelation as we get older.  Only then, when we look back, can we see all the dots that connect us to where we came from and who we have become. 

My personal journey of healing from the inside out began with me claiming My Truth.  And in claiming my Truth I recognized I wanted to be fully me and live my life in happiness and fulfillment. (Can you hear that person with their hand at the side of their mouth with a smirk on it saying,”Be careful what you wish for”?)  

I didn’t know what I didn’t know as that journey began.  At the time, I thought I knew who I was - a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend. You know the script…  But I didn’t know who I truly was.  It was almost like someone had put a drop cloth over me so that I wouldn’t be seen or heard.  Now who would do that to someone? And who would allow that to be done to them? 

So I began to unravel the thread of that cloth in order to find my answers.  Sure, sure, I meditated and journaled, spouting affirmations, practically putting the Post-It company on the map.  All in an attempt to find my Inner Being. 

The more I pulled the thread, the more I began to see that I didn’t know myself at all.  Didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to go.  Plus I felt I was at a dead end. If I kept going I was going to crash into the brick wall looming ahead of me.

I unraveled some of the insecurity of not being enough. Not feeling valued by the people who claimed to love me. My mother, my husband just to name a couple. These are some of the people I innocently trusted.  Trusted that when they said they loved me, they did.  Trusted they were supportive of me and my dreams. Except the unraveling thread shredded that theory and I began to see the subterfuge.  They loved me with strings attached.  Loving me as long as I was the good girl, the good wife who was at their beck and call. The thread exposed the underlying jealousy. 

The problem was I loved these people and I thought they loved me.  

This cloth was keeping me from not being seen or accepted for who I was.  It also kept me silenced. Until the desire to Be Fully ME became my mantra, my claiming, my calling that helped me to crawl out from under the drop cloth and begin my healing journey to wholeness, to empowerment, to happiness and self love.  And Ultimately, finding my voice to speak my Truth and Be ME. 

Healing is an ongoing dedication to be your Highest Frequency of Love that you can achieve while growing your consciousness. 

Join me and others to begin to open your heart to Your True Self, allowing yourself and others to collectively become who we have always been - Love, Light and Truth



Oh yeah, and about those dots I connected and the magical animal that was revealed, stay tuned for the next installment of “As the Healing continues…” coming in the next blog post.

Olga Singer