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Here’s where I share all news and press related events featuring the empowering work that I do.
Includes podcast interviews and videos.
YouTube Interviews & podcasts
In this inspiring episode of the Modern Mystic Soul Podcast, Susan shares what it means to be a Light Leader with host Therese Tucker. Click here to listen.
Susan was recently interviewed on the Healthy, Happy Life on Purpose podcast with host, Brigitte Cutshall. They had an in-depth conversation about how we have all been conditioned and taught not to trust ourselves and not to follow our inner guidance. But what if you viewed life from a different perspective? In this interview Susan and Brigitte talk about thinking “outside the box” to solve problems and to access our inner voice for personal growth and healing. Watch the YouTube version, embedded above or click Here to listen to the full episode.
Susan was recently interviewed on the Self Power Now, podcast by host, Debbie Gisonni. They had an in-depth conversation about Fear and how it can block love in your life. As Susan so aptly puts it, we all have fears in our life. Some are trivial and passing while others can be paralyzing. Susan shares her personal story of how she allowed her fears to lead her life and how that changed when she decided it was time to do something about it. Click on the image at left for the YouTube version or Here to listen to the full episode.
In this episode of The Know Podcast with Nikki Spo, Nikki and Susan go off script to discuss consciousness, awareness and intuition. View the interview right here right now or click here to listen to the podcast.
This YouTube Video with Geri Habstritt, host of the Light, Laughter & Lattes Podcast features an interview with Susan Burrell. Susan feels the time has come for clarity and empowered action towards your highest calling.
This YouTube video features Susan on MentoritTV, with host Patricia Beccalli. Susan and Patricia discuss, what it means to find true empowerment in your life and how Susan’s supports others in becoming empowered. Click here to listen or on the image above to watch the YouTube interview.
This YouTube video features Susan on the Incredible Life Creator Podcast with host, Dr. Kimberly Linert. Susan and Dr. Linert discuss, in depth Susan’s book, “Live an Empowered Life, A 30-Day Journey Book.” And together they open up the discussion about Susan’s dedication at supporting women in their inner growth toward finding their true empowerment. Click here to listen or on the image above to watch the YouTube interview.
Host, Rachel Peru, of the Podcast, Out of the Bubble, interviews Susan on YouTube. Click here to listen to the interview or on the image above to watch it on YouTube. Rachel and Susan discuss many subjects, including: Divorce and how to find the courage to make life-changing decisions, Imposter Syndrome, overcoming self-doubt and so much more.
Host of the Just Ask Spirit podcast, Sherianna Boyle has a conversation with Susan about BOUNDARIES -and how to set them, be aware of them and use them.
In this YouTube Video, Kc Rossi, host of The Spirit of Business Podcast, has a conversation with Susan about Trust. Trusting your heart and letting go of old ways.
Host, Megan Mary of the Women’s Dream Enlightenment podcast has an interview with Susan about the evolution of conscious leadership.
Pascale Cook-Fernandes, host of the Women Finding Clarity Podcast has a conversation with Susan about finding your moral compass.
Host of New Human Living Radio, Les Jenson has a powerful conversation with Susan about your journey of Empowerment & Transformation.
Host of the podcast, The Soulful Mind, Angel Evanger has a “happiness” themed conversation with Susan.
Host of the Empowered by Design Podcast, Dr. Lyz DeBoer has a conversation with Susan about her personal journey of love and empowerment AND how that has inspired her life and her work.
Fresh Blood Host, Jolie Downs interviews Susan about moving through life’s challenges and coming out better and more empowered and killing it!
Jennifer Seven, host of the Unbreakable Spirit Podcast, interviews Susan about surviving her divorce and her journey of self healing.
Co-Hosts, Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett of the Are You Waiting For Permission? Podcast, join with Susan in an engaging conversation about working to heal and finding your purpose.
Host of The Stark Transformation, Amy Stark, interviews Susan in this mind-blowing episode about breaking the shackles of belief.
Host of the podcast Keeping It Real on Purpose, Edna J. White has a powerful talk with Susan about learning to live as your true self.
Host, Amanda Hennessey of The Building Confidence Podcast, interviews Susan about our own inner knowing and becoming more confident.
Natalie Ledwell’s Not Over, Just Different Podcast shares a lively conversation with Susan about health, aging gracefully and how to make the next 50 years even better!
Host of An Empowered You Podcast, Randa Quraan talks with Susan about what to do when you don’t know what to do!
Host of The Functioning Hot Mess podcast, Tonya Murray has a conversation with Susan about fear and how it can hold you back from doing what you are meant to do.
Susan was recently featured on the Find Her Seat Podcast with Jennifer Etter and Susan Mobley.
Laura West, host of A Guided Life Podcast, welcomes Susan on her show to talk about the divine feminine and unlocking keys to spiritual growth.
Ricci-Jane Adams, host of the Spiritually Fierce Podcast interviews Susan about re-emerging into her highest vibration.
Host of the Spirituality Now podcast, Ivonne Delaflor has an expansive conversation with Susan about the importance of understanding yourself.
Tiffany and Susan have a conversation in this episode of the Speak Loud Podcast, about how to recognize narcissist behavior and what to do about it.
Evelyn Hernandez, Self Love House Founder and host of the Self Love House Podcast, has a conversation with Susan about Empowerment.
Host of Becoming Your Best Version, Maria Leonard Olsen and I have an amazing conversation about what it means to be your best self.
Letting go of fear and getting unstuck it the focus of this episode of the Seniortopia Show, featuring Susan.
Diane & Susan drop in together to discuss being more, and stepping into the Journey of Empowerment. Listen here.
Colleen Biggs of Lead Up for Women interviews Susan about ways to assist women in finding their inner strength.
Host, Maria Isackson from the podcast, Mind of a Mentor, by the OSSA Collective, interviews Susan Burrell about her “Hero’s Journey,” and the struggles that shaped her life.
Susan’s lively conversation with Pamela of A New Life Podcast with Pamela Jean is all about Finding Freedom.
Susan was a recent guest on the Brave Entrepreneur Podcast with Jena Rodriguez, discussing the importance of getting your brave on in business.
Susan explores what it means to live a “regret free” life on Dr. Gayle’s Regret Free podcast. Take a listen.
Host of the Energy Medicine podcast, Dr. Mary Sanders has a conversation with Susan about pockets of self-doubt and how to create a new system for living.
The hosts of the Sit Crooked, Talk Straight Podcast, Leanne & Katie, share an engaging conversation with Susan who shoots it straight as they discuss the huge transformation happening in the world today.
Host of the The Art of Feminine Business podcast, Julie Foucht has a deep conversation with Susan about self-discovery, including how to find the lost “you” within.
Host of the TranscendWithM Podcast, Monica Adwani, interviews Susan about how she found her voice and the courage to move on after a
tough divorce.
Susan has shares a powerful conversation with the host of The Out of Your Mind Podcast. This interview touches on the many aspects of transforming and empowering your life.
Obsessed Podcast Hosts, Julie, Mika and Tia interview Susan about tapping into your inner wisdom, your intuition and of course your empowerment.
The Circle of Change Podcast Host, Ame-Lia has a powerful conversation with Susan about listening to your inner voice in order to access your Moral Compass.
Susan was recently in conversation with Dipika, host of the Conscious Woman Rising Podcast. They shared an authentic conversation about Susan’s healing story and what it means to live your empowered life.
Brandon Beachum, host of the Positive Head Podcast interviews Susan about the importance of overcoming fears.
E.V. Escher is the host of the Disembodied Podcast. She explores the non-religious tour of spiritual practice. In this episode she and Susan discuss how to re-center and find self-love and respect yourself.
Host of the New Light Living Podcast, Ulrika Sullivan engages in a lively conversation with Susan about self-love and attracting exactly what you want in your life.
Host, Damla Aktekin of the Conversations with Healers Podcast has a conversation with Susan about what it means to be a healer.
Susan and Kim share a conversation about self-love and how charisma can work for you. Take a listen.
Lauren Foster host of the Be Happy First Podcast interviews Susan about how to claim your power in order to create your best life.
Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Podcast, Wisdom of the Ages, interviews Susan about learning how to listen to the divine urge we all carry within.
Author and TV Radio Host, Paula Vail discusses activating your light with guest, Susan Burrell.
George Alger from Our Ventura TV, speaks with Susan about her inner guidance and how she supports women in their inner growth.