Live An Empowered Life! The 30-Day Journey Page
Welcome to Your 30-Day Journey
Congratulations on taking your first step on this journey to empowerment. This page is crafted to support you as you traverse YOUR 30-DAY JOURNEY book. The Book is a powerful process that is designed to take you as deep as you want to go in uncovering your personal empowerment. Every journey is unique to the individual. This page is filled with videos and meditations to support you through this journey. If you have stumbled upon this page by accident (and we know there are no accidents wink, wink), and you don’t currently own the book, click here to learn more about, Live An Empowered Life! A 30-Day Journey Book, and how to order your copy.
let’s begin!
Before you begin this journey, start by listening to my “Grounding” Meditation, found on Insight Timer. Insight Timer is the number one, free app for meditation. In order to listen to the full meditation you will need to create your own free account and it will give you access to all of my meditations.
Click here or on the InsightTimer Icon below to jump to the meditation.
Each video or meditation you have been directed to, is listed below, according to the corresponding day you are currently on in your journey.
day seven
Walking a Labyrinth, the ancient symbol of wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. There is only one path taking you inward and then by reversing leads you outward. Walking a labyrinth can help stimulate your creativity, inspiration and intuition.Click on the image above to view the video.
day twelve
E is for ESTEEM - To regard with respect or admiration. Do you respect or admire yourself? Do others respect or admire you? Click on the image above to view the video. After completing the journaling prompt come back to listen to the meditation on “LOVE,” by clicking on the Insight Timer image.
day fifteen
M is for MOVEMENT - Create Transformation. Move from what was, to what is. Click on the image above to view the video.
Tapping is an action meant to help neutralize emotions so your mind can download positive affirmation. Click on the image above to view the video.
day nineteen
Mind Mapping is a great tool to use when you want to make a change in your life and you can’t see how. Click on the image above to watch the video on Mind Mapping.
day twenty
make time for you
Pausing is important on this journey.
Take time now for the meditation video shown at right.
day twenty-four
O is for OWNERSHIP - Claim what matters to you. Own your inner value and truth. Click on the image above to view the video.
DAY twenty
P is for PURPOSE - Find what brings you joy and purpose. What is your purpose now? Based on who you are now. Keep it simple. Click on the image above to view the video.
Time for a pause
day twenty-six
W is for WONDER - Bring Wonder and Innocence into your life. Have you lost it? Do you possess it? Click on the image above to view the video.
day thirty
day twenty-nine
Releasing the Shackles. Now it’s time to release any shackles that may still be holding you. Click on the image above to view the video.
E is for EMANCIPATE - Free from restraint or influence; free from inner bondage. Releasing the past. Click on the image above to view the video.
Realize Your Power!
R is for REALIZE - Realize your inner truth, the truth that has always been inside you. Click on the image above to view the video.
Time to Celebrate!
You’ve Made It! Now is the time to celebrate YOU. Click on the image above for a celebration meditation dedicated to YOU.