

Working in collaboration with others

From time to time I am asked to team up with people I am aligned with in spirit and message. These connections often occur when I am interviewing someone for my podcast or I am asked to be on someone’s or present on their platform. I created this page so that I can share with you those upcoming summits, speaking engagements or virtual classes that I may be asked to collaborate and present on.
Check this page often for the latest Collaborations I am working on and to get information on how to register.


“Energy in Action” - An Inspirational talk

at The Ventura Center for Spiritual Living featuring Susan Burrell


The Ventura Center for Spiritual Living asked me to speak at one of their Sunday gatherings, (which took place on Memorial Day Weekend) and I was honored to say yes. In this talk I open up about my own personal challenges with emotions and the ever changing kaleidoscope of emotions we all live with. The key is recognizing the energy of emotions and how energy in action, when understood can help us to heal and move beyond the muck of feeling stuck.

FREE Summer Lecture Series Featuring Susan Burrell

Blending The Divine Feminine with Business

Do you own your own business? Are you an entrepreneur who likes to think out of the box? Are you ready to create magic in your business?

If so, then please join me for the Feminine Business Summer Lecture Series that runs from August 12-16, 2024. The Lecture Series is filled with female experts who have activated their inner magic and are thriving as business owners. And I am thrilled to share I am one of the experts!

My lesson is entitled, “Are You A Light Leader?” and it will focus on how to lead in business from an open-hearted space filled with light and your own inner knowing.

To Learn more about the FREE Feminine Business Summer Lecture Series & To REGISTER click the button below.
I hope you take advantage of this magical series.

“Susan’s Workshops have changed me fundamentally. The deep work has freed me from my past guilt, shame and abandonment. Her workshops have changed every aspect of my life.”

Kathe, Workshop Participant

Conquering Diabetes Virtual Summit - September 24-27, 2024

Registration & More Information coming soon!