When You Think Of Me, Send Me Love
photo by Anete Lusina, Pexels
How many times have you signed a card or a note “with love” and really meant it?
When our heart is aligned with Love, we radiate goodness and happiness. Why is that? It is because Love is a frequency, a vibration. Since we are energetic beings, we are always tuning into whatever frequency is being broadcast from anywhere on the planet. Many people ignore or block the energies. Sometimes they don’t even realize that their anxiety, fear, despair, anger isn’t even theirs. It is simply a vibration, a station they have tuned into and are “listening” to unconsciously.
Let’s face it. We are living through incredible, unimaginable times. Everyone on the planet is living through this. No one is spared, even if they are imitating an ostrich, they are still picking up the frequencies that are flying around the earth. Fear. Despair. Sorrow.
Like many, I come from a long line of worriers. My grandma used to grind her teeth as she washed the dishes because she was worrying over someone she had no control over. Worrying about how to help them, rescue them or simply make them bend to her ideas of who she wanted them to be. So, believe me, I have an uncomfortable yet personal relationship with worry.
What is really underneath worry is fear. And just like my grandma, many people are gnashing their teeth, trying to keep the people they love safe. Attempting to get them to understand why they should or shouldn’t get vaccinated for an example. The result is more fear, more divisiveness and anger. Even the best of us become bullies when it seems like the people we love are being threatened.
What I am seeing within myself, and I can only speak from my personal Truth, is that that frequency of fear is pulsing all the time. Fear is the real pandemic going on. And there is no vaccine to prevent us from feeling fear. When fear goes unaddressed, it can create all the unrest we are witnessing on a global scale. As more people tune into the frequency of fear, it amplifies, making it harder to pick up a new station, a different frequency that is less damaging, less invasive to the human psyche and body. Fear is the energy that creates dis-ease and division. It creates dissonance that distorts your ability to remain grounded in Love. This dissonance creates disharmony within the mind and body resulting in behaviors that are not loving or kind. Human goodness and compassion get muted as fear amplifies.
You may be thinking, “Hey Susan, I understand how fear is affecting me and everyone around me. But what do I do to get rid of it?” The truth is we can never really get rid of fear. It is an ancient wiring that does keep us safe. What we can do is tune into another station and keep our channel tuned to LOVE. The more we focus and stay tuned to a high frequency of Love, the stronger the signal and the easier it is to stay on that channel. (Reminder: We are all conduits for Spirit which I happen to think of as LOVE)
So when you are imitating my grandma, grinding your teeth trying to figure out how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, relax your jaw, take a deep breath and send yourself and the ones you care about LOVE. Tune your vibration to the Highest frequency of LOVE, allowing it to fill your heart and then send your loving vibration out. In fact, this could become your new practice “I am a broadcasting station of the highest frequency of Love”. Sending the Love frequency out to everyone on the planet.
So when you think of me or anyone, send love. Love heals all things and as the great sages, The Beatles sang, “All we need is Love, da-da-data-da, Altogether now, All we need is Love…”
And yes, I am sending you LOVE always.
P.S. Monday Morning Meditation will be coming back soon. Stay tuned.