The Frontier of Potential
In definition, the edge of a boundary is called a frontier. I like to think of it as the place where we face the unknown. The unknown challenges of our lives, our thoughts, our feelings. It is a demarcation point whether one is running from her past or hoping to create a better future, a better life. Either way, it is the edge of the Unknown.
With everything that is happening in the world today: the ongoing mass shootings, the denial that anything happened at the Capital by many who were there on January 6th, the war in Ukraine (or as one of my guests, David Gandleman stated) a century old feud between Russia and the Ukraine or the overturning of Roe v. Wade - where do we find Hope? Where do we find Truth? And where do we find Happiness, Freedom, Peace?
I will tell you - All of that and so much more is found within you NOW. You are the frontier of Potential. You are the one who can change the world even if it feels small. Change happens in increments until there is a joining in consciousness that moves humanity forward into the New Frontier. (Wait, did I just hear the Star Trek theme playing in my office??)
I have a very wise student who said to me recently, “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to have a perfect life.” Think on that a moment. Does it get your brain in a twist?
Here’s another one to mentally chew on by my mentor Ernest Holmes:
“All of mankind is more or less following the patterns of thought in which it is immersed. (Such as fear, anger, and the need to control others…however) Principle is not bound by precedent. There is no law in the Universe that seeks to perpetuate old limitations, but there is a Law which responds to our greater vision at the exact level of that vision.” Okay, take a pause. I did say it was something to mentally chew on.
Me in Venice, Italy in April 2022 - Standing in my new Frontier, baby!
What it means is the old limitations and beliefs that have been passed down through the generations, the stories we are told, the news we listen to, keeps us at the level of that vision. At the level of what created the problem. We keep rewinding into the past. Is that because we are afraid to stand at the frontier of our Potential? Principle ( which is in the realm of Spirit) is not bound by what came before. It is always creating anew by means of our fearless potential and creativity. If we keep our minds focused on pushing the frontier of our potential, focused on what is good in our lives, however small, we can begin to awaken a greater influx of hope, of love and of peace.
Ernest goes on to say, “Just as surely as we do this we shall find that the prison walls of the lesser self begin to crumble, the horizon of experience begins to push itself farther away, and, because more Spiritual Territory is taken in, greater experiences are bound to follow.” (Better experiences)
Each and every human being on this planet incarnated at this time to be that increment of change, to stand on the frontier of potential and say “Today I choose to stay focused on all the GOOD in my life. I focus on Love, Happiness, Peace as I face the Unknown.”
We are standing at the frontier of potential. What will you choose? To be a Light Leader and lead all of us across that frontier towards a new horizon of hope and peace? I certainly hope so! (And yes, I think that was a pun ;) )
Enjoy your summertime.