Today I stand in Truth with Light and Love
Have you ever told a lie?
Either an out and out lie or a white lie?
To others or to yourself?
Have you ever hidden from the truth? A truth you intuitively knew was true but you were too afraid to face?
Have you ever felt like you were the only one who could see the truth and wondered why others couldn’t?
Well, today I stand in Truth with Light and Love. I choose to face my truth, whatever it is and accept it so that my life can become more aligned with my soul purpose and growth.
Because humanity is being shaken to its core, truth is being revealed. That is what I invoke when I work with clients. “May Truth be revealed for healing, integration or release, for the Highest good of all.” As Light Leaders we stand here today, witnessing humanity’s truths being revealed. We are reaching a new and more loving potential as we watch the Divine Chaos shake up everything so that we may see, or at least those who chose to, may see. This is the Law of Vibration which states that energy, the Divine life flow is dynamic and in constant motion. Our free-will choice is to hide from that vibration of life or to face it and stand in our truth.
Photo by Martin Sanchez, Unsplash
Today, I stand in Truth with Light and love.
Truth revealed for healing. Now is the exact right time to ask your inner wisdom to reveal the Truth that you have possibly been avoiding or hiding from. This is often daunting and downright scary. But fear can no longer be the guiding force that we live our lives from. Only love can light our way out of the seeming darkness that humanity is currently experiencing.
As you look within, allow the Law of Vibration to “shake” through you so that your inner truth can surface. As you allow the vibration of the Divine within to flow through you, clarity of truth will be revealed. Seeing your truth will give you direction and offer you an opportunity for closure or expansion within your heart and mind.
Truth revealed for integration. Perhaps, facing your inner truth reveals a deep wound that you have been ignoring, which creates pain, avoidance and even numbness in all of your bodies. This can keep us from living our potential as loving Light Leaders. Recognizing this truth gives you an opportunity for integrating the lessons your soul has been asking for or leading you to.
Truth revealed for release. As we face the truths we have been avoiding, we gain the freedom to recognize and make free-will choices about the truth revealed. Ask yourself, “Is it a truth I want to stand in or is it a ‘truth’ that really is a lie, yet I thought it was real?” You can make a choice for closure and completion by recognizing that this truth you were told or you created from wounded experience is NOT the Divine Truth of your soul. It has been hiding your self-esteem and therefore your light. You can release this “truth” which is really a falsehood, and have closure in order to open up your potential to BE more love and light. And truly, humanity needs more of that.
Today I stand in Truth with Light and Love.
Envision yourself standing in your truth. See Light and Love almost as your guardians. Feel the vibration of truth within, allowing the flow of the Divine to move through you. Allow the vibration of Light and Love to bring Truth forward for integration, healing or release.
Today, I stand in Truth with Light and Love. I AM a Light Leader!
Namaste, Susan