One Sip at a Time, Blog

Shine Truth & Love into the Shifting World

Standing in the shifting sands of despair.

Does it seem like the entire ground you stand on is shifting?  The energetic landscape of your life is changing rapidly, and it is hard to grasp what is happening?  Does your focus get blurry as you attempt to understand what is happening in our country and the world?  Or is it just me? 

As I try not to focus on the demolition of our democracy, my mind plays lyrics from songs from the sixties, “Hey, children, what’s that sound? Everyone look what’s going down.”  Or “The times they are a changing”.

The songs of the sixties show me that we have been here before.  I guess it is really true that everything runs in cycles. Perhaps what we are experiencing and witnessing will be for the best and highest Good for All.  We just can’t see it yet because the entire scene or drama has to play out.

My quest during these uncertain times, is to continue to stand in my Truth, focusing on loving myself and the “other” more than I ever have before.  Can I love when I can’t comprehend the reasoning behind the actions being taken by people who believe that what is happening is for the greater good?  I don’t know the answer yet.  I can only try to love more. And when the sand shifts, I will adjust my perspective and refocus on Love.  Love flowing from a Source far greater than the small machinations of humans.
Clearing my mind of fear and despair in order for Love to flow through me out to the world.

That is what a Light Leader must do in order to bring balance, equanimity and yes, love into the hearts of humanity.  And that is my dharma, to be a Light Leader and shine Truth and Love into the shifting world. I AM that- A Light Leader and I will shine!